I am so blessed. When I first got in touch with the information you’re about to receive, I was so excited. I’ve been on the “healing road” for some 20 years now and after all I’ve studied, read, and applied to myself, I’ve found these wonderful tools  I can assure you they work. For one thing, they are not a magical wand and they do not intend to replace medical or psychological treatment. These are just complementary tools that will really change your life for the best, if you are commited to follow their simple steps. The tools I will be presenting you will be (for now): EFT  “Emotional Freedom Technique” Hoponopono The Sedona Method The Law of Attraction The Work The goal of this blog is to help you learn about these wonderful tools, introduce you to the people behind these tools, and give you a place (through the comments section) where you can post your problems, and find a solution for them. Im so honored to have you here!! Welcome, and feel free  to make this space your own. I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you! Shelly